For creatorsFor brands

Create content for the culture's hottest brands

Secure gifted and paid collaborations with your favorite Black-owned brands in beauty, wellness, fashion, and more.

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Earn free products & create content for Black brands you love

Become a Forefront creator and land gifted and paid collabs with the hottest brands

Sign up to be a Forefront Creator

Our sign-up process is easy. Just create your profile, upload your content portfolio, and wait to get approved.

Apply for campaigns

Once you’re approved, you’ll be able collab with brands on Forefront and apply for the campaigns that best suit your interest and content type.

Earn free products

Once you’re approved for the campaign, you’ll receive free products from the brand in exchange for content creation.

Publish your content

You’ll have up to 2 weeks after you receive the product(s) to publish the content outlined for the collaboration. Be sure to follow everything listed in your collaboration to increase your chance of more gifted and eventually paid collaborations.

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The Forefront Influencer Program has introduced me and my audience to brands that I’m not only obsessed with and totally believe in but it has also exposed me to a network of opportunities I may have otherwise missed. Thank you, Forefront!
Not only is Forefront a platform for black owned brands, it’s helping black influencers at various levels in their content creating journey.
Forefront is providing me the opportunity to create another stream of income, and to have exposure to Black-owned brands so that I can make supporting my community a lifestyle.

Secure a collab today

Get matched for your first gifted collab today. Create your profile, share your creator portfolio, and we’ll start matching you with brands that best fit your content style.

Get Free Products for Your Content

Testimonial Videos

Showcase product benefits to build trust & social proof with your audience

Coming Soon

Unboxing Videos

Build excitement & educate your audience about your favorite brand's products 

Coming Soon

Tutorial Videos

Showcase how to use products to your audience.

Coming Soon

Product & Lifestyle Photos

High-quality lifestyle photos for social posts, ad promotions, and websites.

Coming Soon

Questions about Forefront?

Secure gifted and paid collaborations with your favorite Black-owned brands in beauty, wellness, fashion, and more. Contact us directly, book a demo or check out our FAQs to get started.

Creator FAQs

What is Forefront?

Forefront is the 1st creator marketplace that allows creators of all sizes and backgrounds to work with Black-owned brands for paid and gifted collaborations. We make it easy for you to use your influence to uplift your favorite Black-owned brands.

How can I become a Forefront Creator?

Click here to sign-up to be a Forefront Creator. Once your application has been reviewed and approved you can begin applying for campaigns within our creator marketplace.

Do I have to have a certain follower account to get approved?

No, there are no minimum follower requirements to join Forefront. You just have to showcase your ability to create high-quality UGC videos and photos for brands. When you apply you’ll be able to share your portfolio with us.

How does Forefront vet creators?

Forefront vets creators in 3 ways to ensure we accept the best creators to produce high-quality content for brands. 

‍Application Process: All creators must complete a Forefront Creator application and get approved before they can start applying for campaigns. This allows us to gather basic information and ensure they’re suitable to join.

‍Partnership Portfolio: Each creator must upload a link to their portfolio/media kit with work samples from previous projects. This allows us to assess the quality, style, and consistency of the creator's content. Brands can view a creator’s portfolio via the creator’s profile.

‍Rating System: Each brand will be able to rate a creator after they complete a campaign for them. Creators will be rated on their ability to meet deadlines, follow campaign guidelines/requests, and on their content quality. Any negative ratings will affect future partnerships and possibly membership within Forefront’s creator marketplace.

Do I have to pay to join Forefront?

No, Forefront is completely free for creators.

How can I collab with brands on Forefront?

Once you’ve been approved as a Forefront Creator, you’ll be able to view all the active campaigns and apply to collab with brands that align with your interests. Forefront will also send you campaign recommendations.

How long does a creator have to create content?

Creators will have up to 14 days from receiving the product to publish the agreed-upon content. All creators will share their content in a shared album for the brand to access and repurpose as needed.

How are creators compensated?

Creators will receive free products from brands in exchange for UGC. In the future, we’ll offer paid collaborations that allow creators to get paid for the content they create.

How much creative range does the creator have on the content they create?

Creators have full creative range over the content created for partnerships, as long as they follow all requests and guidelines a brand outlines in their campaign.

Is Forefront only for Black creators?

No, creators of any backgrounds and ethnicities can apply to join Forefront - just need to have the desire to uplift Black-owned brands. In the future, we plan to extend our services to other POC-owned brands.